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Understanding the Choice of Payment Terms: Letter of Credit vs. Documentary Collection

In international trade, choosing the right payment terms is crucial for both buyers and sellers. Two commonly used methods are the Letter of Credit (LC) and Documentary Collection. This article aims to shed light on these payment terms, their differences, advantages, and considerations for businesses when making a choice.

1. Letter of Credit (LC):

A Letter of Credit is a financial instrument issued by a bank on behalf of the buyer, guaranteeing payment to the seller upon meeting specified conditions. Here are some key points to consider:

a) Security: LC provides security to both parties involved in the transaction. The buyer knows that payment will only be made if the seller fulfills all agreed-upon terms, while the seller has assurance that they will receive payment once they meet those conditions.

b) International Acceptance: LCs are widely accepted globally, making them suitable for transactions involving unfamiliar parties or countries with uncertain economic or political situations.

c) Cost: LCs can be expensive due to bank fees and charges associated with its issuance and administration. Additionally, banks may require collateral or impose higher interest rates on credit lines tied to LCs.

2. Documentary Collection:

Documentary Collection involves presenting shipping documents through banks to collect payment from the buyer before releasing those documents. Here's what you need to know:

a) Flexibility: Documentary Collections offer more flexibility compared to LCs as they do not involve strict compliance with predetermined conditions. Buyers and sellers can negotiate terms based on their relationship and trust level.

b) Cost-effectiveness: Documentary Collections tend to be less costly than LCs as they involve fewer banking fees and charges.

c) Risk Exposure: Unlike an LC, where banks assume most of the risk associated with non-payment or non-compliance, documentary collections place more responsibility on buyers and sellers themselves.

Considerations when Choosing between LC and Documentary Collection:

1. Relationship and Trust: If the buyer and seller have a well-established relationship built on trust, documentary collection may be a suitable option. However, for new or unfamiliar business partners, an LC provides greater security.

2. Complexity of Transaction: LCs are more suitable for complex transactions involving multiple parties, intricate shipping arrangements, or high-value goods. Documentary collections work well for simpler transactions with established terms.

3. Legal and Regulatory Environment: Consider the legal and regulatory framework of the countries involved in the transaction. Some countries may have specific requirements or restrictions that favor one payment method over the other.


Choosing between a Letter of Credit and Documentary Collection depends on various factors such as trust, complexity of the transaction, cost considerations, and legal/regulatory environment. Businesses must carefully evaluate these factors to make an informed decision that best suits their specific needs and circumstances in international trade.


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